And so Thanksgiving is done and Christmas is here. I have mixed feelings about the holiday so bear with me as I rant.
For those of you who actually read my blog, Thank you. I know its just kind of random but I find it is good a way to share my feelings with the word since my human interaction is rather limited these days and we all must rant in someway. Blogging is convenient because I can write whatever I want and if people read it great if not no harm done! The internet still listens to the dark musing of my soul... or whatever. You know.
And so on to the rant!
Christmas. That wonderful time of year when we set apart time specifically for our families and give to those who are in need and think about becoming more Christ-like and all that wonderful oohey-goohey deliciousness that we talk about every year. And yet, I am appalled every time I hear radio stations start to play Christmas music. I still can't listen to the radio half-way through December. I am sickened every time I hear a JC Penny commercial telling us to show our love with a new sweater. (one for your mom and one for yourself of course! because we have to show ourselves love! right? during Christmas? a time of, well... thinking of others?)
And so here I am trying to find the joy in the season without becoming pushed and pulled into the materialistic consumerism that goes on at this time of year. Now do not get me wrong, I love my family and I wish to show them that love. However, in the wisdom of every stinkin' single Christmas movie that has ever been made, you cannot buy the love of your family with expensive and extensive gifts any more than a sinner can bribe their way into heaven. So why, if even Hollywood can get it right, can we ourselves as human beings get so lost in the meaning of Christmas?
Christmas is the time when we celebrate the birth of Christ. Christmas, more than Thanksgiving, should be a time of gratitude and love and family. Christmas should be that time of that we recognize the gifts and blessings already given to us from our Heavenly Father. We do not need more stuff. In fact, we all could maybe use a little less.
This last week, our apartment complex caught fire. Nothing of ours was damaged but I did get to watch as two couples were told that there was nothing left to be salvaged out of the ashes of what had once been their home. I do not know what it would mean to lose everything, but after seeing others go through that, I am more than grateful for the things I do have and for the blessing I had of being able to keep what I already have.
I would implore whoever reads this, to give a little more from your heart this year. Don't think about the sales and the obsessive thrill that goes through crowds as people rack up more piles of useless and meaningless stuff. If you must shop, then shop. But instead of being a shopaholic, just keep a little Christmas in your heart and think of what will truly show your love for others. Give others in need what they need. A gift that doesn't fill a whole is just excess stuff. It has no place.
I myself am working on a different project.
I love music. I love Christmas music. But the genre of Christmas music is a little limited these days and I can only listen to bad renditions of Oh Holy Night so many times before I go a little crazy. And so this year I have started writing Christmas music. It will be my way to bring myself back to the spirit of Christ and show my excitement and gratitude for the Lord God on High and the blessings and joy His presence in my life and on this earth has brought me. So sing a little hallelujah and give a little gift of love. Love a little more like Christ.
I wish you all a very, Merry Christmas.
God Bless.